This is a true story about a client who recently sold their house that they had lived in for many years. It is on first reflection a sad story. But I would ask you not to hastily judge the circumstances and possibly miss another one of those life lessons.
My client’s house was more than just a house in a lovely gated community of Las Vegas. I always viewed this property as a “home” proudly displaying the personality of its owners; it was always a pleasure to visit, as it stood out in the already upscale neighborhood as the most elegant landscaped house in the entire community. When you stepped into the house you felt a grand openness and warmth that is seldom found in the properties that I represent; it truly was an extension of its owners desire to provide a “place of welcome.”
Just one month after the close of escrow, I received a call from my clients. They had been recently told by one of their past neighbors that the new owners had practically leveled the once beautiful yard. The neighbors were sad and confused; this was the showcase property of the neighborhood and they could not understand why anyone would destroy something that had brought so much enjoyment to the community. It did not stop with the yard. The new owners had gutted the once open and warm interior and were in the process of constructing restrictive and unconventional living spaces. My clients were too upset to drive by their once owned home and see the extent of the devastation.
There was nothing I could say at the time. I had been fortunate to assist them in their relocation to another property, which was their retirement home. It was located in a beautiful golf community with expansive views of the fairways and desert mountains. I attempted to refocus their thoughts on their new property and the opportunity they had to recreate the same sophistication and warmth they had experienced earlier.
Several months later I had the opportunity to visit my clients and see first hand the fruits of their efforts in their new community and home. It was still painful to talk about their past home, but time will heal those memories. I was amazed at how far they had come on transforming what was a very nice house to begin with, into a stylish and warm recreation of their previous home. This time it was even more elegant and they seemed to be now happier than ever.
These past weeks I have given much thought to the preceding events. There are several life lessons that can be drawn from these experiences that I will keep and share at the appropriate time.